Terms & Conditions

The University of California, Irvine (UCI) offers the Atrium Connect application ("Services; Service") to any current student, employee or guest of UCI ("Users"). The use of these Services is subject to the Terms of Use ("Terms") contained herein. You must read and agree to these Terms, including any future amendments.

We will attempt to notify you when major changes are made to these Terms; however, Users should periodically review the most up-to-date version available online at http://uciconnect.atriumcampus.com. UCI may, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these Terms at any time. If you do not accept and abide by these Terms, you may not use the Services.

I - Disclaimer

II - Description of Service

UCI offers these services in support of personal, curricular, and scholarly communications conducted by the University community. These Services are made available to any current student, employee or guest of UCI subject to the terms and conditions of use.

The Atrium Connect application consists of accounts maintained by an individual or individuals. Accounts could be meal plans, declining balance or event based (attendance).

The Service is provided to Users on an as-is and as-available basis. UCI reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Service with or without notice at any time and without any liability to its Users.

III - Proper Use

Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account and password and accept responsibility for all activities occurring under their account. Users agree that they will not access or attempt to access any other User's account, or misrepresent or attempt to misrepresent their identity while using the Services.

Violation of any of the foregoing policies may result in immediate termination of this agreement, and may subject you to state and federal penalties.

IV - Intellectual Property Rights

Users retain all patents, trademarks and copyrights to any content posted, submitted, or displayed through these Services and are responsible for protecting those rights, as appropriate.

V - Termination, Suspension of Service

UCI may, at its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason suspend or terminate a Users account, amend these Terms, or terminate the Service. In the event of termination, access to the account will be disabled and any content contained within may (but is not guaranteed to) remain in our system for back-up purposes. You acknowledge that if your site becomes inactive for more than 24 months an email will be sent to the site owner. If the site owner fails to activate the site by updating content, it will be archived and removed from the service.

VI - Indemnification

Users agree to hold harmless and indemnify UCI, any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, and employees from and against any third-party claim arising from or in any way related to the violation or use of the Service. The indemnification includes any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, actual or consequential damages, suits, judgments, and litigation costs or attorney's fees.

VII - Agreement

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the User and UCI and govern the use of the Services. These Terms supersede any and all prior oral or written agreements with the Users.